Celebrating Outstanding NAPLAN Results

Celebrating Outstanding NAPLAN Results!

We are thrilled to announce that our Year 3 and Year 5 students have achieved excellent results in the recent NAPLAN assessments. Our students’ average scores across all domains assessed have exceeded both the National and State averages.

What is particularly impressive is that our students’ scores are also above the average across all domains (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy) of statistically similar schools (SSSG). SSSG in NAPLAN are schools that share similar characteristics, such as student demographics, socioeconomic background, and school size. This comparison allows us to see how our students are performing relative to other schools with similar contexts.

This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire school community. We congratulate our students for their outstanding efforts, our teachers for their commitment to excellence in education, and our parents and carers for their invaluable support.

As a school, we will continue to analyse the data to identify areas for growth and ensure that we address the needs of all our students. Together, we are making a significant impact on our students’ learning journey.

For more in-depth information regarding Naplan results, visit the NSW Education website HERE