At OLSS school Terrigal we are part of the wider Diocese of Broken Bay and our school, as one of the Catholic systemic schools in the Diocese, is administered by the Diocesan Schools Board and Catholic Schools Broken Bay Office (CSBB).
Welcome or welcome back! Please see the CSBB Catholic Charter LINK
As the CSBB Website identifies, “We are privileged to share our Catholic faith with our students, whether they be Catholic or not.. and this sharing is a community effort”. Thus we would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome you to the Diocese and share some insights from the Diocesan website about our Catholic community at large and how this filters down to influence us at a local, school level.
When your child goes to a Catholic school you are enrolling in a Catholic community that is bigger than the school. Your Catholic school is part of a parish… by accepting your child’s enrolment the parish community is committing itself to the formation of your family in the faith. We invite you and your family to participate in the …parish so that your family becomes part of the faith community.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby individuals who wish to become members …can begin a journey of spiritual conversion which will lead to initiation into a Catholic faith community… Please contact the parish office or check in the bulletin for the Terrigal RCIA times.
The Catholic Church in Australia
“…is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, which sits under the leadership of the Pope. There are an estimated 5.1 million baptised Catholics in Australia, 26% of the population, making it (the) largest single Christian denomination (with) an estimated 3,000 priests and 9,000 men and women in Catholic orders.”
The Catholic Church in Broken Bay
Whether it is families committing to send their children to… Catholic schools in our Diocese, to be taught and nurtured by… dedicated and highly professional teachers we all proclaim the Good News in our own way. Ultimately, we all proclaim the Good News of Jesus in our families, our workplaces, our social engagements, by our words and actions and the way we live our lives.
Every Sunday, from the Peninsula…up to the Central Coast, about 25,000 people gather together in 26 parishes to celebrate Mass (2012 figures). …The Diocese now extends …streaming daily Mass live on the Diocesan website.
It can be a challenge to know where to go to for faith information, especially when many are so time poor, so please take a moment to peruse the DBB website and discover the wealth of resources constantly updated and already at your finger tips, for example:
– the faith growth section eg. the 3 to 12 year old Faith Formation program based on Montessori principles
– the Marriage and Family section that aims to promote and foster all aspects of Marriage and Family life
– links to papers written by Pope Francis for us on caring for our environment and family life
– quicklinks to online Bibles, daily Catholic Bible reading websites and Children’s Liturgy of the Word
To find out more about any of the above please feel free to contact our Parish Office on 4367 4610