Our school’s core values are: Respect, Mission, Belonging, Learning and Faith
These fundamentals originated from a wonderful collaboration between teachers and parents aimed at defining what our school truly embodies and values.
We believe in ensuring respect for others, ourselves and the environment.
We aim to encourage the children, through sharing Jesus’ “Good News” story with them, to also live out their mission and vocation as a Christian, to enjoy the fulfilment this brings and to put their faith into action by sharing this gift with others.
We share our parish motto of striving to be a welcoming community where all can experience a sense of belonging, no matter where we come from or who we are.
We aspire to create a quality learning environment where all children are confident & involved learners, and where parents, as part of their God given vocation, are fully engaged in their loved ones education with us.
We are proud to be an active Catholic community of faith where with our children we can truly “love one another”, as well as discover, nurture and share all the wonderful gifts and talents we have been blessed with.
These principles are all showcased on the road leading to school, providing us with a gentle daily reminder. To assist in planning and making decisions about the educational approach of the school, we accordingly return to them because they encapsulate our overall goal: to “develop the adults of the future to be good citizens and good Christians”.
Our priority: developing the whole person
We take a holistic approach to educating your child and acknowledge they are comprised of body, mind and spirit. Our interpretation of developing their ‘whole person’ is “to encourage each child to excel at what they enjoy and what they do best”.
This is relevant to all children, artistic and creative alike, as well as those who excel in mathematics, reading and writing. We believe in providing a safe environment in which your child can uncover their gifts and talents then we focus on helping them optimise these, whilst still empowering their imagination and aspirations.
Our belief: education is not a commodity
Education is both a right and a gift and accordingly children are not data-sets nor school a factory producing “things”, for productivity’s sake. We are proud to be entrusted with developing the next generation of Australians, good Christian people, who are intelligent, enlightened, capable and tolerant, and who are other-centered rather than egocentric.