From the very beginnings, the school has been steeped in a rich Catholic tradition that stems from the close connection we have with our Church community.
Catholic discipleship is promoted by providing a distinctively Catholic school where children are educated in the Catholic tradition and given the opportunity to follow Jesus.
The school mission reflects our commitment to partnering with parents and our broader church to share the richness of our Catholic tradition.
School-Church Collaboration
We share a rich Sacramental and Liturgical programme with the Parish. Father Vince Casey is our Parish Priest. Father Casey has a strong and positive interest in our school community, perfectly reflecting our parish mission statement “May we love one another so that all experience a sense of belonging”.
Parish History
OLSOS, Terrigal, was first established, atop of the hill near the Haven where the “Star of the Sea” complex now sits, back in October 1973. As the adjacent school outgrew it’s boundaries, the big decision was made to move from seaside to valley, to the beautiful parcel of land that the church and it’s surrounding schools stand on today (ELC the preschool and the primary school).
Our friendly Parish Staff, Activities and Ministries
We currently have two wonderful ladies in our parish office: Janette Merrotsy (Parish Pastoral Associate/Parish Secretary) and Nellie Sheridan (Assistant Secretary).
Regular faith “formation” and fellowship activities and groups that you can participate in include:
- Reading the Scriptures Lectio Divina
- Catholic Womens League (CWL)
- The Morning Star Prayer Group
- The Knights of St Michael the Archangel
- The Young Adult Sisterhood
Ministries you may be interested in helping with or utilising are
- Parish Council
- Finance Committee
- Bus Drivers
- Planned Giving Collectors (Warden and Counters)
- Church Cleaners and Floral Arrangers
- Liturgy Committee
- Catechists
- Altar Society
- Altar Servers
- Extra Ordinary Ministers of Communion
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- Legion of Mary
- Sacramental Ministeries Team
- Youth and Music group/Choir
We are blessed to have the Terrigal Parish church and hall on the school grounds.
For more details about our Parish please do not hesitate to visit or contact the parish office on (02) 4367 4610, or click here to go to the full parish website.