Students are encouraged to use all library facilities on offer to further increase and develop their knowledge.
OLSS Reading Challenge
This is an exciting challenge that encourages students in their love of reading. All good literature books count not just those borrowed during their library session. Click below to access the reading logs for Kinder to Year 3. Year 4, 5 and 6 students can access their reading logs through Rotations Google Classroom.
Stage 1 Gold Reading Challenge
Stage 1 Silver Reading Challenge
Stage 1 Bronze Reading Challenge
Stage 1 Ruby Reading Challenge
Stage 2 Gold Reading Challenge
Stage 2 Silver Reading Challenge
Stage 2 Bronze Reading Challenge
Stage 2 Ruby Reading Challenge
JF Chapter Book Bronze Silver Gold & Ruby Challenge Logs
A-Z Author Picture Book Reading Challenge
We have an extensive selection of books and resources including computers that students can access during school and lunchtimes. Students are welcome to visit the library at these times to borrow books, read, research, play games and use the modern computer system.
Students also have formal library lessons once a week and are encouraged to borrow regularly.
We also feature an online library database “Destiny” giving students the opportunity to browse the library collection at home to find the right book for them.