Our School has now moved to the new COMPASS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.
The Compass Management System is a Portal and App that we will use to communicate Newsletters, Principal’s Updates, letters and notes and to allow parents easy access to their child’s student records.
You will be able to –
- View information on your child/ren’s attendance
- Enter explanations for absences
- Receive communications
- Update your contact details
To logon to the Compass Portal please follow the instructions below. You will need your username and password. Please contact the School Office on 7256 2119 to obtain your username and password details. Alternatively you can download the Compass App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Depending on your device use the below QR codes to download the free App. If you experience any difficulty with using Compass please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.
Click here to view the CSO Welcome to Compass – A guide for parents and families.
Apple iOS
Android OS
To logon and register please click here follow the below instructions:
Once you have pressed “click here to continue” you will enter to the login page where you will enter your login details:
We are obliged by law to request a reason for student absences so that our records can be kept in accordance with the Department of Education and Training requirements. Please log into the Compass portal to see if your child has any unexplained absences. Please see below instructions on how to log on and enter an absence note.
Step 1 – Download the App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Depending on your device use the below QR codes to download the free App.
Step 2 – Use your unique login details previously provided by the school office.
Step 3 – If you have multiple children at the school choose the child that you wish to enter the absence for.
Step 4 – Choose Approvals in the App and using the add button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, add a new entry.
Step 5 – Enter the details and save to complete.